This year's golf tournament will again be held at Olde Sycamore Golf Plantation, on Wednesday May 4, 2022. The directions to Olde Sycamore can be found on the course web site or contact their office at 704-573-1000. Golf will begin with an 11:30 AM Captain’s Choice shotgun start and will be followed by dinner, awards presentation, and prize drawings. Non-golfers are encouraged to attend the dinner to join in the fun and network with industry peers. Our goal in 2022 is to provide an enjoyable and beneficial event, raising money for scholarships and providing a chance for everyone to get together for an afternoon. We at ASHE sincerely hope that you will be able to join us.
The tournament cost is only $70 per player, which includes your dinner and green fees. Mulligans will be available for purchase also. Non-golfers are invited to join us for dinner at $15 per person. Teams or individual players are welcome. Payment for sponsorships, teams, and players are due by April 29, 2022. Please promptly fill out and return the registration form with your check payable to ASHE – Carolina Piedmont Section or pay online with PayPal using the registration form below.
Please see the flyer for more details or contact Andrew Proctor at if you have any questions.
Is your company interested in being a sponsor of this years Golf Tournament? There are three levels of sponsorship available:
To become a sponsor, please use the corresponding link below or download the sponsorship form here. For more information please contact Andrew Proctor at
Since 2000, our efforts have allowed us to contribute over $30,000 in scholarships to engineering students at UNC-Charlotte and Central Piedmont Community College. We at ASHE are very proud of these contributions, and we are excited to continue this work in 2022.