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Welcome to the Carolina Piedmont Section of the American Society of Highway Engineers

Latest news and upcoming events

Mission Statement

The mission of the American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) is to provide a forum for members and partners of the highway industry to promote a safe, efficient, and sustainable highway system through education, innovation, and fellowship.

Visit ASHE National


We strive for the highest quality in our membership services and partner relationships.


We value the opportunity to interact with our members and all partners in the highway industry.


We conduct ourselves responsibly, ethically, and honestly.


We encourage innovation in the highway industry by providing educational opportunities and participating in technology transfer.


We value, respect, and include people from all sectors of the highway industry.

What to expect at ASHE CPS

Our organization is made up of a wide array of individuals across the highway industry, both public and private. From techs to senior engineers, and graduates to retirees.

We gather regularly to listen to industry professionals speak on a variety of topics, whether it's hearing about the latest NCDOT projects in our region or learning about new software innovations.

Our annual Golf and Sporting Clay tournaments raise money for scholarships to the local engineering schools.

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