Registration and warmup will begin at 8:30 AM. The tournament will start at 9:30 AM and last till noon. It will be followed by First Place Team awards, Lunch, and a raffle. Our goal in 2019 is to provide an enjoyable and beneficial event, raising money for scholarships and providing a chance for everyone to get together. We at ASHE sincerely hope that you will be able to join us. If you are not a Sporting Clay Tournament participant and would like to be recognized as a Sponsor, we invite your participation.
The tournament cost is $675.00 per four person team. Individuals are invited at a cost of $170.00. We will place individuals with a team if they do not have one. The cost includes targets, shells, lunch, awards, and one raffle ticket per participant. Additional raffle tickets may be purchased at the event. Mulligan shots will be available at $5.00 per shell (limit on per person.) Shotguns are available for rent through The Fork. Please pay for teams and sponsorships in advance by October 4, 2019. Please promptly fill out and return the registration form with your check payable to ASHE – Carolina Piedmont Section or pay online with PayPal using the form below.
Please see the flyer for more details or contact Preston McCloud at if you have any questions.
Is your company interested in sponsoring a station at this years Sporting Clay Tournament? For $100 we will display your company's logo:
To become a sponsor, please fill out the information below or download the sponsorship form here. For more information please contact Preston McCloud at
Since 2000, our efforts have allowed us to contribute over $30,000 in scholarships to engineering students at UNC-Charlotte and Central Piedmont Community College. We at ASHE are very proud of these contributions, and we are excited to continue this work in 2018.