
February 9, 2018

Meeting on February 21, 2018

Jean Leier, APR, from I-77 Mobility Partners will give a presentation on the I-77 Express Lanes Project.
March 23, 2018

2018 Golf Scholarship Tournament

ASHE CPS is pleased to invite you to this years Golf Scholarship Tournament. This tournament is a fundraising activity for annual scholarships presented to local civil engineering students.
April 10, 2018

Meeting on April 18, 2018

Jason Lawrence, Lead Transit Planner for CATS will give a presentation about CATS 2030 Transit Plan Update.
August 31, 2018

2018 Sporting Clay Scholarship Tournament

ASHE CPS is pleased to invite you to this years Sporting Clay Scholarship Tournament. This tournament is a fundraising activity for annual scholarships presented to local civil engineering students.
September 10, 2018

Meeting on September 19, 2018

Brett Canipe, PE, from NCDOT Division 10 will give a presentation discussing the status of current and future NCDOT projects in our region.
October 1, 2018

Brett Canipe Presentation

You can download a PDF copy of Brett Canipe’s presentation here.