Dear ASHE members and friends:
You are cordially invited to attend the eleventh annual technical conference for the Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Society of Highway Engineers. This conference will be held on Monday April 3, 2017 from 8:30am to 5:00pm at the McKimmon Center located at 1101 Gorman Street, Raleigh NC 27606.
A terrific agenda has been developed that includes a number of current and interesting technical highway- related topics. To assist our member and others in the engineering community in fulfilling their professional development requirements, this conference will provide attendees with 7.0 professional development hours (PDH’s). Look for more information on the agenda later. VDOT Members can register through the virtual university.
The registration fee of $110.00 for members and $135.00 for non-members includes morning coffee and continental breakfast, hot buffet luncheon, afternoon drinks and snacks and all conference materials.
A limited number of rooms are available at the Hyatt Place located at 710 Corporate Center Drive, Raleigh NC 27607 at the conference rate of $125.00 (single occupant) (plus tax) for anyone who wishes to stay Sunday Night. To make your hotel reservations, please call and ask for the ASHE Conference rate (Group ID is G-ASHE). If you have any questions about the hotel or need special accommodations, please contact Charlie Flowe our ASHE representative at or other information about the hotel, please visit their website at Reservations must be made by March 12, 2017 to receive the group discount. There may be reduced rates available outside of this room block. Please inquire with the hotel for other rates.
For registration forms and other info, please visit the ASHE Carolina Triangle Section website.